The Abbey Group

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All the latest and greatest happenings within The Abbey Group, and beyond!

Why The Abbey’s “Dishing Up Local!”

Ever since our inception in 84’ we have developed a deep understanding on the importance of locally sourced food. Though we know that if you’re on this site, you’re probably already an expert on the local food and Farm to School movements but event you’re not, here is a brief introduction: The term ‘farm to […]

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Summer Meal Programs

Schoooooools out for summer! During the school year, many children receive reduced-price or free breakfast and lunch through the National School Lunch Programs. Many parents rely on these meals for their children during the school year so what happens to children when school’s out?  The USDA has developed a Summer Food Service Program designed to […]

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On Federally Mandated School Lunch Price

Two years ago the Federal government passed a law, the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act, which requires all schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program to gradually increase hot lunch price to eventually align with free meal reimbursement (currently set at $2.72) over the next few years. The purpose of this legislation is […]

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