The Abbey Group

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All the latest and greatest happenings within The Abbey Group, and beyond!

Vermont Fresh: A Fruit and Vegetable Handbook

Our wonderful friends down at the Windham County Farm to School program have shared with us this amazing handbook full of great information about traditionally Vermont grown fruits and vegetables and we want to share it with you! Each item is highlighted with a picture, a background, growing tips, storage tips, nutritional benefits, preparation, and best […]

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New School Lunch Regulations

Healthier schools meals to improve childhood health is a U.S. Department of Agriculture goal for the new school year. The USDA released the following press video regarding new school lunch regulations: The new regulations and requirements are great news for our students! They will help The Abbey Group build on the work we are already […]

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The Abbey’s Meggen Hanna of Barstow Memorial School is featured on Jamie!

Congratulations to The Abbey’s own Meggen Hanna, whose story has been featured on, (you know, the guy who started the food revolution across two continents?!).   Read her full story on his website, or click on the link below.  

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