Holiday Safety for your Child

The Holiday season is a time for fun and family but with all of the excitement it’s important to be extra careful about the health and safety of your child. As all parents know, it can be hard to keep track of small children at public places like malls and airports and during the holidays, the fear of losing them heightens.
Many of our employees watch your children grow up from toddlers to teens and care for their well-being very deeply. So some of our “Abbey parents” have pulled together a few tricks they’ve used with their own children to better the chances of a scare-free holiday season.
Some ground rules to set with kids before trips to busy places:
1) If you’re in a store, tell your child to never leave a store to go looking for you, that you would never leave a store without them
2) Make a rule that they must always be visible to you and they must always be visible to them
3) If they ever get separated from you, have them look for a “safe stranger” this can be a person in uniform, a mother with children, a store employee
4) Quiz them on knowing your cellphone number
Other tricks to keeping your child safe:
1) Dress your child in bright clothing or a bright hat or something very distinguishable
2) Buy a tracking watch for your child that can be used with your cellphone
3) Have a child leash if necessary
Have a safe and fun holiday season from all of us at The Abbey Group.