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On Federally Mandated School Lunch Price

Two years ago the Federal government passed a law, the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act, which requires all schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program to gradually increase hot lunch price to eventually align with free meal reimbursement (currently set at $2.72) over the next few years. The purpose of this legislation is to equalize the price of a paid hot lunch with the amount of money the Federal government reimburses districts for students who receive free and reduced lunches.

Hunger Free Kids Act also includes a new set of nutritional guidelines set by the USDA. We had touched upon some of these new guidelines in one of our last posts but just in case you missed it, here’s the scoop:

All Schools who participate in the National School Lunch Program, which includes all of our schools, must construct menus based on USDA recommended regular daily requirements for nutrition. School lunch programs are audited on a regular basis by the government for compliance. For the 2012-2013 school year, the Federal government has developed new nutritional guidelines that can be found  in detail on the USDA website.

The targeted nutritional areas for these changes are a maximum amount of calories served, sodium amounts, an increase in vegetables and fruits, as well as new restrictions on grain consumption.

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Embracing Improvements to School Lunch Standards

Last month, the USDA unveiled their new strategy to improve child nutrition and combat childhood obesity with a set of new standards for school meals served to students across the country. These new requirements are intended to greatly improve the nutrition quality of meals served at schools.

Efforts to improve childhood nutrition have vastly increased through the initiative of First Lady Michelle Obama and her Let’s Move! campaign. This campaign provided the momentum for the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, signed into law by President Obama, the first real move forward in school cafeteria nutrition in over 15 years.

The new rules will double the current daily servings offered of fruits and vegetables, limit milk offerings to only fat-free or low-fat varieties, substantially increase the amount of whole grain-rich foods, adhere to proper portion sizes and caloric intake by age, and greatly reduce saturated fat, trans fat and sodium.

Here at The Abbey, we like to think of ourselves as the leader of childhood nutrition in the state, considering we’ve been creating nutritional and locally focused menus for over 20,000 Vermont students on a daily basis.  And though we’ve always had that focus, over the last several years we’ve really been concentrating on introducing healthier menu options and have been nationally recognized in some of our efforts. With that being said, many Vermont students may not notice any major changes to their school lunch program when these rules go into effect this July. Well over a hundred Vermont Schools are currently providing fresh fruits and vegetables as a part of the national Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program and over 60% of Vermont schools have started Farm to School programs designed to encourage local purchases and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in school lunch programs, all of which are well ahead of national averages.

On the subject, one of our very own Food Service Directors, Maureen O’Neil commented “I am excited about the new standards for the health and wellbeing of school children nationwide. But in our district, the change will not be very drastic since we have been implementing many of them already. And, the school children are loving the food. Whole grain breads and pasta are served daily, along with dark green leafy greens and big bowls of beautiful fresh fruit. All of our school children have already made the switch to 1% or skim milk.

For more information on these new mandates, please visit the USDA Food and Nutrition Service website at

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End of the Year

Thank you for another great year and for supporting your school’s hot lunch program!

As things wind down around school, they’ll also wind down in the cafeteria. Your child might notice a few temporary changes in the cafeteria over the next few weeks. These changes are in an effort to accommodate end of the school year activities, e.g. class trips, BBQs, exams, etc.  Contact us or your local food service director for more information regarding these changes.

Also, we ask parents to please have your child’s account up to date with payments as the end of the year is approaching.

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Welcome to our new Blog!

Greetings friends! We’re excited to launch our first official blog for The Abbey Group.

Designed specifically for parents, students, business managers, board members, and anyone else who is interested in what we are doing, why we’re doing it, and how we’re pulling it all off. This blog is intended to corral information from every corner of our business and the industry and have it in one easy to use place right on our website.

We hope you enjoy all of our future posts, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns about our blog or anything regarding your food service. Keep a lookout for our weekly posts and if you’re interested, sign up for our RSS feed.

Thank you so much for visiting our blog. Please enjoy!

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